This week wraps up an exciting year at Drivn. We are excited to work with so many amazing sports teams, and to be continually learning new and different ways technology can augment the great work that the coaches and coaching staff are doing working with the athletes.
Some of the trends we saw in 2016
Teams that communicate in a single way, rather than via multiple channels, achieve better connection. Chat is quickly overtaking text, email and whiteboards. We see movement towards one integrated solution.
While there has been a lot of press on wearables and data tracking we found that the most important and valuable wearable was each athlete’s smart phone – it puts coaches, staff and players all on the same platform. Qualitative questionaires like stress and muscle soreness, have proven to be popular, and valuable trackers across our teams. Specifically, there was particular interest around using RPE to track fatique and exertion within teams and using the results to provide a dashboard for coaches. We will write a lot more on this in 2017.
Looking forward to a great 2017
To us this is the breakout year in technonolgy and coaching. Here at Drivn we dedicate every day to helping coaches, teams and athletes improve on and off the field of play. Happy holidays and happy New Year from Drivn.