Confidence, ability to manage emotions, self-motivation, use of imagery, and the ability to focus. Those are some of the qualities associated with psychologically strong athletes.
[Read more…]Are You Really Teaching Life-Lessons?
As a coach, where do your responsibilities end?
Do you, for example, adhere to that line in your organization’s mission statement about teaching life-lessons? You know, the core value every youth sports organization lists as a priority but seems to forget on the weekend when the score is 1-1. [Read more…]
Player Development in the Old Days
One of the things about sports that interest me the most is how players develop. There is, of course, a wide variety of ways development occurs, and players take different paths at different ages. There isn’t, and never has been, a blanket approach to the way kids improve in athletics.
I spend a lot of time thinking about development and trying to make it happen with the players I coach. But I am far from an expert in the field. I am, however, fully versed and have expert-level knowledge in one area of player development. And that is how kids developed back in the Good Old Days. [Read more…]