Elite teams across the country have chosen DRIVN as their mobile coaching platform of choice. We simplify communication, consolidate operations and track performance with the flexibility to meet your team’s unique needs. Our all-in-one mobile coaching platform is a proven solution at the professional, college and elite youth level. [Read more…]
The Secret to Success from the Sideline
There’s always a parent, on any team, in any sport, who considers every game the Superbowl, the Stanley Cup final, or the World Cup title match. You know exactly who we’re talking about. We even bet one or more parents immediately popped into your head.
You know the ones. You can hear them screaming from the sidelines, you can hear them second-guessing everything the team is doing during halftime, and you can hear them trying to out-coach the actual coach.
Being on a team teaches kids teamwork, sacrifice, and other valuable lessons — which can all be negated if adults are too focused on the scoreboard. Or, in some cases, too focused on their child’s path to Rio – forgetting the fact that they haven’t even hit adolescence yet!
NLL’s Georgia Swarm Partners with DRIVN
BOSTON, MA (Jan. 25, 2016) – The National Lacrosse League’s (NLL) Georgia Swarm and DRIVN, the Boston-based coaching app and team building platform, announced plans today to partner through the 2016 season.
“DRIVN is very excited to be working with a world-class organization like the Georgia Swarm,” DRIVN’s CEO Chris Heidelberger stated. “We want to continue to enhance their winning ways and we look forward to helping in their success.”
The Swarm is the first team that DRIVN has partnered with in the NLL.